Posts Tagged ‘prayer’

Website isnt workingIf I asked you to hire me then did nothing how long would you keep me? What if I only cost $50.00 a month?  Hopefully you will agree not long.

Chances are good you are doing just this with your website. Most ministries are paying anywhere between $25 – $250 a month for a website that just stands there.Thinking about your website? What are you paying?  What are you getting from it?  Are there definable goals that are set?

Why not?  If your blood pressure went up you’re not alone.

Websites today are as valuable, if not more valuable than your Greeters and Ushers you have or wished you had. To qualify that statement, Greeters and Ushers are; friendly, warm, inviting, cheerful, courteous and informative. Most Ushers are like the info desk at the mall, they can answer and direct able to direct anyone to anything.

Shouldn’t your website be offering the same service?

So now that we know websites should have a job but don’t. How do we get them to shape up or ship out?

  1. Define the job they need to do. look at other local churches website. What do they do or have that you don’t?
  2. Write on paper goals you would like. We want more people to sign up online, See the lost find us…..
  3. Find a web developer to evaluate your current website. This can allow your strength and weaknesses to be shown.
  4. Use free tools like Google analytic s to provide in site and establish definable goals. One of our clients had over 21,000 visitors last year. We know that on average 18% were new visitors. so we know that over the year over 3,000 new people visited and we know that 17,000 people kept coming back! We also know what pages were most viewed and what didn’t work at all! For good or bad we have knowledge and with on paper knowledge we can make better future decisions about our advertising capital.

If you are not happy with your current website or if you want to see if your doing all you can to keep your current population and attract more give Domonic Webster a call for your free website evaluation. Elev8 Web Design is a website and graphic design company in Baltimore, Maryland with extensive work in ministry and nonprofit web design and marketing. See some of the places we have helped or call 443-986-8461.